Throwing ice water on an urban myth

Throwing ice water on an urban myth

An urban myth that cropped up in 2007 is being recycled, just in time to wreak havoc on your dog’s summer fun. So let’s separate fact from fiction.

According to this lore, eating ice or drinking ice water can cause a dog’s stomach to cramp, resulting in bloat, which is a twisting of the stomach that traps gas and fluid. This is just plain false. If anything, a dog who drinks cold water too quickly might bring it right back up.

However, drinking too much water of any temperature or eating too much food are known risks for bloat — as is eating or drinking too quickly while gulping air. And bloat is a life-threatening emergency that needs to be addressed right away.

So don’t be afraid to let your parched pooch cool down with ice or cold water. Just keep the reins on any canine inclination to guzzle or gulp.

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