Toxic trees

Toxic trees

Did you know that some of fall’s beautiful trees are sources of toxic trouble?

Black walnut shavings are sometimes used as horse bedding. But within a few hours of contact, horses can show signs of laminitis, a life-threatening inflammation of the hooves’ inner tissues.

Red maple leaves are toxic too, especially to horses — but only the wilted leaves are trouble. After ingestion, toxins destroy red blood cells and cause kidney damage.

The fruit and foliage of cherry and plum trees contain cyanide, which blocks cells from using oxygen. The poison is so powerful that some horses are simply found dead.

Poisoning from acorns and foliage of oak trees affects cattle and sheep in particular. Toxins created from tannins damage the digestive tract and kidneys.

So, a word to the wise: rid your stalls and grazing areas of toxic trees.

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